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What Quality Control Measures Are Used in Micro Via?

Quality Control Measures Are Used in Micro Via

With component sizes shrinking, the PCB industry has had to find ways to wring every last bit of space out of the design — introducing the micro via. This specialized drilling technique offers significant design density gains, allowing designers to save space by connecting components through holes smaller than standard through-holes.

Compared to regular PCB vias, which are drilled through the surface of the board, microvias are etched within the copper layers themselves. This allows for greater control over their dimensions, reducing manufacturing costs and improving electrical performance. But it also creates challenges that require advanced plating processes and materials to avoid voids and defects, which can lead to circuit failure.

The most obvious challenge is how to ensure that the interior of a micro via is completely filled with conductive material without any voids. This is essential for proper signal transmission and preventing heat from dissipating to adjacent layers. It’s possible to accomplish this by using conductive epoxy filling, which uses a silver or copper paste that enables the via walls to conduct electricity. However, this type of filling can be expensive and requires a high degree of precision to avoid contamination and ensure adherence to the design.

What Quality Control Measures Are Used in Micro Via?

Another challenge is how to prevent the formation of voids between adjacent microvias, which can affect the electrical connection. This can happen when the metallization process fails to completely fill the hole with copper or if the plating is uneven. To minimize this risk, a specialized copper-based plating process is used with additives that provide uniform deposition and eliminate voids.

For these reasons, it’s essential to use the highest quality materials when creating a microvia-enhanced PCB. This includes choosing the right filling material and ensuring that the vias are properly drilled, etched, and plated. In addition, the fabricator must employ advanced inspection and testing methods to ensure that all aspects of the microvias meet their specified tolerances.

As with any PCB design element, a careful analysis is necessary to determine the benefits and limitations of microvias. The decision to deploy this technology should be based on the goals of the design, including the amount of power and ground plane needed to support the circuit, any choke points in the board that would reduce current flow or cause EMI issues, and the availability of routing alternatives.

In addition to addressing these issues, PCB fabrication experts can help optimize the layout of the board by deploying staggered microvias. This design method spreads out the layer transitions, allowing for traces and other elements that would otherwise be limited by the constraints of overcrowded areas.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of microvias for your next electronic project, contact an Epec engineer. Our engineers are ready to discuss your requirements and assist in designing the optimal PCB for your application. We prioritize manufacturability, quality, and cost to deliver superior boards at a competitive price. Our expertise in design for manufacturing (DFM) helps you avoid costly iterations, saving time and money.


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