Dose of Truth in Every Byte


The Financial Savior For Medical Students



By: Pattern Life


As a medical student, you might have heard about disability insurance. But the real question is, why is this so important? And do you need it now?

The simple answer to those questions is disability insurance is the holy grail for income protection, and the sooner you purchase it the better. 

Think of it this way, the road to becoming a physician is a long and tedious one that brings many challenges. Some of those challenges can include injuries, illnesses, mental health struggles, unexpected changes, and many big life events. 


Along with all of those factors comes… RISK. 


You’ve invested countless hours in school for this career path, only to find out that your biggest financial asset may be yourself. After spending thousands on education, you need to rely on more than just skills for an income.


This is where disability insurance comes in. 


The primary benefit of disability insurance is the replacement of income in the event that you are not able to work. If you become disabled, your disability insurance will provide monthly paychecks that will replace your income, ensuring your financial protection.


As a physician, small changes in health or even small accidents can affect your ability to work, which is why it is important for doctors to get disability insurance. Shockingly, more than 1 in 4 20-year-olds become disabled before reaching retirement.


This timeline shows the ebb and flow of risk throughout your career. 


As a medical professional in residency or fellowship, your income and savings are lower while your risk of becoming disabled is higher, which is why it is crucial to secure your policy early.  


You know better than anyone, as a physician in training, that life is unpredictable. At any moment, your life could change. Disability insurance relieves that pressure, providing the peace of mind  that you will be able to rely on your income forever. 


Are you ready to save on your policy, secure your training discount rates, and protect yourself and your income? Get started with the best disability insurance policy for you by filling out a quote request here!


(This is a Sponsored post from Pattern. Click here for a full list of current #LifeofaMedStudent Sponsors – only companies that offer a clear benefit to the medical community are considered for Sponsorship opportunities!)




Pattern specializes in helping doctors acquire true own-occupation disability insurance and term life insurance. True own-occupation disability insurance is a product that insures a physician’s full salary post-tax, should they acquire a disability that affects their ability to perform the specific duties of their specialty. There are only 6 insurance companies (out of 30+) that provide true own-occupation disability insurance.

When a physician requests quotes with Pattern, we submit quote forms to all 6 of these companies and assemble the policy options into a simple presentation. The doctor then reviews their quote options with one of our unbiased agents during a 20-30 minute online meeting. This turn-key process saves doctors countless hours of filling out forms, talking to multiple agents, and sending documents back and forth. We do not receive company-specific incentives, allowing us to remain truly unbiased and provide a truly educational role as doctors shop for disability insurance. Request a quote today!



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