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Health Fitness

International Joke Day 2024: Just for laughs; 5 health benefits of laughing out loud with loved ones | Health

International Joke Day 2024: Nothing beats a hearty laugh with the ones we love. Be it family, friends or our romantic partner, sharing a hilarious moment with them that has you rolling on the floor laughing makes up for the best memories to be cherished forever. The best times often have the element of fun, happiness, and laughter with our near and dear ones. Laughter is the best medicine and nothing beats that literally. Be it having a bad mood or not feeling great about ourselves, sharing some laughter with our loved ones can fix our days. Laughter is excellent for mind and body as well.

Every year, International Joke Day is celebrated on July 1.(Pexels)

Every year, International Joke Day is celebrated on July 1. The day focuses on the importance of sharing jokes, having a laugh and locking the happy times in the treasure chest of our minds. As we gear up to celebrate the special day filled with fun and jokes, here are a few ways by which laughter can benefit us.

Take a break, have some laugh.(Pexels)
Take a break, have some laugh.(Pexels)

International Joke Day 2024: Laugh out loud, for these benefits:

Stimulate organs:

When we laugh, it helps in the intake of oxygen-rich air, thereby stimulating the heart, lungs and muscles. It also helps in the release of endorphins that helps in elevating the mood.

Relieve stress response:

When we feel stressed and anxious, laughter can increase and cool down the stress response, then regulate the heart rate and blood pressure. This makes us feel relaxed.

Soothe tension:

Sharing a laugh with the ones we love helps in stimulating circulation and boosting muscle relaxation. This helps to reduce the physical symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety.

Boost immunity:

When we are filled with negative thoughts, it can affect the body by bringing more stress and decreasing immunity. However, laughing induces positive thoughts, which further release neuropeptides that can help in fighting stress and boosting immunity.

Relieve pain:

Laughter helps in releasing natural painkillers produced by the body. This can help in relieving stress.


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