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Home Kitchen

Watermelon Salad Recipe – Cookie and Kate

Leave a Comment If you enjoy watermelon, this is your new summer salad. This simple watermelon salad recipe features classic Mediterranean flavors like tangy crumbled feta and fresh mint. Roughly chopped pistachios, lightly pickled shallots and a drizzle of olive…

Kalamata White Bean Dip Recipe

Leave a Comment This Kalamata olive-flavored white bean dip is the recipe you didn’t know you needed. Sure, it’s not the most appetizing-looking appetizer out there, but it is delicious and very easy to make. It’s a nice alternative to…

Cashew Butter Recipe – Cookie and Kate

6 Comments Have you experienced cashew butter? It is sublime and somehow much more delicious than a handful of toasted cashews. A spoonful of homemade cashew butter tastes like a treat. It’s nearly as enticing as cookie dough, as far…

Cilantro Lime Dressing – Cookie and Kate

Leave a Comment Make this cilantro lime dressing recipe the next time you prepare a Mexican meal. It’s bright, sunny and fresh! This dressing is boldly flavored with fresh lime, olive oil, cilantro, garlic, honey, cumin and Dijon mustard. You…

Almond Flour Pancakes Recipe – Cookie and Kate

Leave a Comment These almond flour pancakes offer fantastic flavor. Truly, I’d pick these over buttermilk pancakes at a diner. They’re golden, tender and so flavorful that I often enjoy them with just a spread of almond butter on top….

What to Cook This June

201 Comments Hooray for June! The sun is shining, and I look forward to fun summertime activities with Grace. I’ve been brainstorming recipes for summer produce (my favorite) and working on our garden. We planted black raspberries a couple of…

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp Recipe – Cookie and Kate

152 Comments Tart rhubarb balances sweet, jammy strawberry flavor in this irresistible springtime dessert. If you can find rhubarb, you’re in for a treat! This simple crisp recipe requires only some chopping and stirring and yields delicious results after a…

Muesli Recipe – Cookie and Kate

Leave a Comment Looking for a wholesome, make-ahead breakfast recipe? Muesli is the answer! Muesli is essentially homemade oat cereal, which originated in Switzerland. Just add milk, and maybe some fresh fruit. It stores well in the freezer for up…

What to Cook This April

98 Comments Spring is here, daffodils and all, and I’m just thrilled about it. April brings more seasonal produce to the table, including asparagus, beets and peas. You’ll find the full list below, and even more spring recipes here. Asparagus…

What to Cook This May

71 Comments May is here! The trees are loaded with bright green leaves and I’m thriving on the abundant sunshine. My attention is divided between redesigning this website (launching soon!) and loading our garden with perennials while the time is…