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Are you suffering from brain fog? Here are 5 ways to manage

Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

  • From getting enough sleep to managing stress, here are few ways to reduce brain fog.


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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

Brain fog is the condition where a person feels very confused and absence of mental clarity. However, there are ways to address brain fog with certain practices and a healthy diet. “In addition to specific nutrients, there are certain lifestyle habits that you can do to help reduce symptoms of brain fog and improve brain function,” wrote Naturopathic Doctor Corina Dunlap.(Unsplash)


Having a quality sleep helps in improving cognitive functions of the brain and relaxing the nervous system. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

Having a quality sleep helps in improving cognitive functions of the brain and relaxing the nervous system. (Unsplash)


Practicing stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation can help in reducing the symptoms of brain fog. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

Practicing stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation can help in reducing the symptoms of brain fog. (Unsplash)


Regular physical activity helps in improving blood flow to the brain, thereby reducing brain fog. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

Regular physical activity helps in improving blood flow to the brain, thereby reducing brain fog. (Unsplash)


Having an anti-inflammatory diet helps in reducing inflammation in the body and optimising brain function. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

Having an anti-inflammatory diet helps in reducing inflammation in the body and optimising brain function. (Unsplash)


We should move frequently during the day and avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking to improve signs of brain fog. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 14, 2024 05:25 PM IST

We should move frequently during the day and avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking to improve signs of brain fog. (Unsplash)


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